Generator Effective Forced Outage Rate

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Key Property:No
Description:Effective forced outage rate for use in calculation of reliability indices

Generator Effective Forced Outage Rate is the Forced Outage Rate for use in calculation of reliability indices. This overrides the Forced Outage Rate used to create outage patterns in the main simulation. In addition, you may define the Effective Forced Outage Rate but not the Forced Outage Rate in the case where a generator should be considered unreliable for the purposes of reliability calculations but not in the main simulation.

The purpose of this input is to capture aspects such as short-term storage that are not considered when the reliability indices are calculated. For example, if a small pumped hydro generator has only four hours of storage you might set the Effective Forced Outage Rate = 2 / hours of storage = 12.5% (Note: This figure is illustrative only).