Generator Generation Credit

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Credit received for generation

Generator Generation Credit is a banded input that contains the production credit for generation from a given build in a given year. Each band represents a build year. The build year represented by band 1 is defined by Generation Credit Start Year which defaults to the run start year.

Example 1:

This is a simple case where the credit is different for each build year but does not change over time.

Generation for builds in 2022 will receive the credit from band 1 for every year of the run.

Generation for builds in 2023 will receive the credit from band 2 for every year of the run.


Example 2:

In this example, the credit applied to generation from each build year changes over time.

Since Generation Credit Start Year is not defined it will default to the run start year which in this case is 2019.

Generation for builds in 2022 will receive the credit from band 1. Generation in the years 2019-2022 will received a credit of 2.019 while generation from 2022-2025 will received a credit of 2.022 while any generation after 2025 will received a credit of 2.025.

Generation for builds in 2020 will receive the credit from band 2. Generation in the years 2020-2022 will received a credit of 1.919 while generation from 2022-2025 will received a credit of 1.922 while any generation after 2025 will received a credit of 1.925.

