Generator Max Units Built

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon

Generator Max Units Built sets an upper limit on the number of new units that LT Plan is allowed to build in total across the entire planning horizon.

Note: This property must be defined for expansion candidates, otherwise the LT Plan will build no units by default.

For a Generator representing a discrete single-unit project this value should be set to one, as in the following example:

Table 1: Max Units Built Example
Property Value Units
Units 0 -
Max Capacity 500 MW
FO&M Charge 50 $/kW/year
Max Units Built 1 -
Build Cost 1500 $/kW
Economic Life 25 years
WACC 10 %

You can also control when the new build is allowed to occur by using the Project Start Date property.

Table 2: Max Units Built Project Start Date
Property Value Units
Units 0 -
Max Capacity 500 MW
FO&M Charge 50 $/kW/year
Max Units Built 1 -
Project Start Date 1/01/2030 -
Build Cost 1500 $/kW
Economic Life 25 years
WACC 10 %

In this example at most one new unit can be built in the planning horizon, but the new build cannot occur until the year 2030. You can controls whether the unit is built in particular years with Max Units Built in Year and/or Min Units Built in Year.

If the number of units that can be built varies over time, then it is best practice to model this by entering the sum total of all units that can be built in Max Units Built once and use Max Units Built in Year and Min Units Built in Year to vary how many can be built during a given time span.

Note that LT Plan does not have to run on a calendar basis. If the planning horizon begins for example in July, it will run with planning years of June through July in which case the date tags should be consistent with this definition.

See also: