Generator UoS Charge

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Use of system charge for generation

Generator UoS (Use of System) Charge is a component of the incremental cost of generation and is used to represent an additional charge that generators may be required to pay to the market operator for delivering (power to grid) rights. This charge is added to the incremental cost of Generation similarly to VOM Charge as part of the non-fuel related variable costs of generation. It applies to generator's energy market cost/offer price. It is not related to reserve and other ancillary services costs/mark-ups/bids.


UoS Charge can be used to model Great Britain's National Grid operator cost-recovery policy for keeping system balance and maintaining the quality and security of supply.

The UoS Charge is a component of a units short-run marginal cost (SRMC) and thus directly affects the price at which the generator's output is offered into the market. The total UoS paid is reported as UoS Cost.

See also: