Generator Fuels Emission Scalar

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Scalar on emissions from this generator and fuel combination

This property is used to scale the emissions from a generator that are defined using Emission Generators Production Rate.

Emissions on unit starts are scaled by the property Generator Start Fuels Emission Scalar.


Two types of fuel are used in the generator, Gas and Diesel, producing two types of emissions, NOx and SO2.

The following table reflects the emission production rates by fuel (in lbs per MWh)

Generator Fuel / Emission NOx SO2
Gen1 Gas 0.6 0.1
Gen1 Diesel 3.0 1.0
Gen2 Gas 0.8 0.1

If Emission Generators Production Rate is used to determine emissions, then emissions are computed at the same rate for each fuel (which clearly is not the case). By attributing the emissions to the fuel being burned in the generator (using Emission Fuels Production Rate), the proper emissions are computed for SO2, but not for NOx. For emissions such as NOx that are produced both as a function of the fuel used and the generator, the combination of properties Emission.Generators production rate and Generators.Fuels Emissions Scalar is used.

Generator Fuel Property Value
Gen1 Gas Emissions Scalar 0.6
Gen1 Diesel Emissions Scalar 3.0
Gen2 Gas Emissions Scalar 0.8
Generator Emission Property Value
Gen1 NOx Production Rate 1.0
Gen2 NOx Production Rate 1.0
Emission Fuel Property Value
SO2 Gas Production Rate 0.1
SO2 Diesel Production Rate 1.0

NOx is computed as the production rate for on generation multiplied by the emissions scalar for Gas of 0.6 (1*.6=.6) on Gen1 and 0.8 (1*.8=.8) on Gen2, and for Diesel of 3 (1*3=3) on Gen1. SO2 is computed based on units of fuel burned using the emission.fuel productions rates as input.

See also: