Global Hanging Branches Weight

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Scenario Tree: Weights for the hanging branches

Global Hanging Branches Weight sets the weights used in the objective function for the hanging branches. By default, the weights are uniform.

The following example defines 10 hanging branches with unique weights. You must supply weights for all hanging branches as defined by Tree Stages Hanging Branches.

Property Value Data File Units Band
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 1994 - 1
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2001 - 2
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2002 - 3
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2006 - 4
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2007 - 5
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2008 - 6
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2009 - 7
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2011 - 8
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2013 - 9
Hanging Branches Historical Year Start 2014 - 10
Hanging Branches Weight 0.107142857 - 1
Hanging Branches Weight 0.178571429 - 2
Hanging Branches Weight 0.035714286 - 3
Hanging Branches Weight 0.035714286 - 4
Hanging Branches Weight 0.107142857 - 5
Hanging Branches Weight 0.321428571 - 6
Hanging Branches Weight 0.035714286 - 7
Hanging Branches Weight 0.071428571 - 8
Hanging Branches Weight 0.035714286 - 9
Hanging Branches Weight 0.071428571 - 10