Global Tree Stages Hanging Branches

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Scenario Tree: Number of hanging branches in each stage

Global Tree Stages Hanging Branches controls the number of hanging branches in each stage of the Scenario Tree.

A hanging branch represents a scenario that begins at a given stage and continues to the end of the horizon without ever branching further. Hanging branches are scenarios in the simulation but do not appear in the reported output.

Note that, when using hanging branches you must keep the same number of full branches at each stage, as defined by the Tree Stage Leaves property.Also note that for simple trees you need only specify the number of hanging branches in Band=1 and it will be repeated to all stages.

For the example in Table 1, the Stochastic Risk Sample Count is 12 and a 4-stage Scenario Tree is constructed with two full branches (these appear in the reported solution) and a total of 10 hanging branches. There are two hanging branches per full branch in stage one, one in stage two, and two again in stage three. This is illustrated in Figure 1.

Table 1: Tree Stages Hanging Branches Example
Property Value Units Band
Tree Period Type Week (2) - 1
Tree Stages Position 2 - 1
Tree Stages Position 15 - 2
Tree Stages Position 30 - 3
Tree Stages Leaves 2 - 1
Tree Stages Leaves 2 - 2
Tree Stages Leaves 2 - 3
Tree Stages Hanging Branches 2 - 1
Tree Stages Hanging Branches 1 - 2
Tree Stages Hanging Branches 2 - 3
Figure 1: Scenario Tree with Hanging Branches

See also: