Horizon Look-ahead Count

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Description:Number of additional look-ahead steps in the planning horizon

This attribute defines a look-ahead period in the Horizon. The total number of Step Type periods in the Horizon is thus Step Count + Look-ahead Count. For example, if Step Type is "Year" and Step Count 4 and Look-ahead Count 3 then the Horizon is 7 years long.

The look-ahead period only applies to MT Schedule when running Rolling Horizon or SDDP stochastic models. In all other cases look-ahead is treated the regular horizon. In stochastic models the look-ahead period is ignored when running the final deterministic pass of Rolling Horizon and the final forward pass of SDDP. This means the solution file will have not data for that look-ahead period. The purpose of this is to run additional time periods while iterating to find the optimal policy and the discarding those additional periods in reporting.

See also: