Name | Units | Default Value | Validation Rule | Description |
Energy Density | - | 0 | Energy per unit of the gas | |
Latitude | ° | 0 | Latitude | |
Longitude | ° | 0 | Longitude | |
Unit | - | 0 | Unit the gas is measured in |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Build Cost | $000 | False | 0 | False | Cost of building the Gas Plant | |
Build Non-anticipativity | $/MW | False | -1 | False | Price for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode | |
Consumption | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | The amount of pipeline quality gas consumed in processing | |
Dispatch Processing Charge | $/~ | False | 0 | False | This replaces the processing charge for the optimization, but on the output side the Processing Charge is used in the cost calculations. | |
Economic Life | yr | False | 30 | ≥0 | False | Economic life of the Gas Plant (period over which fixed costs are recovered). |
Efficiency | % | True | 100 | False | Efficiency of energy conversion process | |
Energy Usage | kWh/1000·~ (Metric), kWh/~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Energy consumption of Gas Plant | |
Expansion Optimality | - | False | 2 | In (0,2) | False | Expansion planning integerization scheme. |
FO&M Charge | $000 | False | 0 | False | Annual fixed operation and maintenance charge | |
Forced Outage Rate | % | True | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Expected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to forced outage |
Heat Value | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Heat value of gas produced by the Gas Plant |
Integerization Horizon | yr | False | -1 | ≥-1 | False | Number of years over which the expansion decisions are integerized |
Lead Time | yr | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Number of years after which the expansion project can begin |
Load Point | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Load point for use with multi-point efficiency. |
Maintenance Frequency | - | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Frequency of maintenance outages in an annual time frame |
Maintenance Rate | % | True | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Expected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to maintenance |
Max Down Time | h | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of hours a unit can be off after being shut down for gas plants |
Max Production | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum production of gas |
Max Production Day | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum daily production of gas |
Max Production Factor | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor (production constraint) |
Max Production Factor Day | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor in day |
Max Production Factor Hour | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor in hour |
Max Production Factor Month | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor in month |
Max Production Factor Penalty | $/~ | False | -1 | False | Penalty applied to violations of [Max Production Factor] constraints. | |
Max Production Factor Week | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor in week |
Max Production Factor Year | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum production factor in year |
Max Production Hour | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum hourly production of gas |
Max Production Month | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum monthly production of gas |
Max Production Week | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum weekly production of gas |
Max Production Year | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum annual production of gas |
Max Ramp Down | ~/min | True | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Sets a limit on the rate at which the gas plant can decrease production from one interval to the next |
Max Ramp Down Penalty | $/~ | True | -1 | False | Penalty for violating [Max Ramp Down] constraint. | |
Max Ramp Up | ~/min | True | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Sets a limit on the rate at which the gas plant can increase production from one interval to the next |
Max Ramp Up Penalty | $/~ | True | -1 | False | Penalty for violating [Max Ramp Up] constraint. | |
Max Starts | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed |
Max Starts Day | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed in a day |
Max Starts Hour | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed in a hour |
Max Starts Month | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed in a month |
Max Starts Penalty | $ | False | -1 | False | Penalty applied to violations of [Max Starts] constraints. | |
Max Starts Week | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed in a week |
Max Starts Year | - | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of starts allowed in a year |
Max Time To Repair | h | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum time to repair |
Max Units Built | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon |
Max Units Built in Year | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon |
Max Units Retired | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of units automatically retired in aggregate over the planning horizon |
Max Units Retired in Year | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon |
Max Up Time | h | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum number of hours a unit can be run after being started for gas plants |
Mean Time to Repair | h | True | 24 | ≥0 | False | Mean time to repair |
Min Down Time | h | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of hours a unit must be off after being shut down for gas plants |
Min Production | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum production of gas |
Min Production Day | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum daily production of gas |
Min Production Factor | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor (production constraint) |
Min Production Factor Day | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor in day |
Min Production Factor Hour | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor in hour |
Min Production Factor Month | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor in month |
Min Production Factor Penalty | $/~ | False | -1 | False | Penalty applied to violations of [Min Production Factor] constraints. | |
Min Production Factor Week | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor in week |
Min Production Factor Year | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum production factor in year |
Min Production Hour | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum hourly production of gas |
Min Production Month | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum monthly production of gas |
Min Production Week | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum weekly production of gas |
Min Production Year | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum annual production of gas |
Min Stable Factor | % | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum stable production level as a proportion of [Max Production] |
Min Stable Level | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum allowed gas production when operating |
Min Time To Repair | h | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum time to repair |
Min Units Built | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon |
Min Units Built in Year | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon |
Min Units Retired | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of units automatically retired in aggregate over the planning horizon |
Min Units Retired in Year | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon |
Min Up Time | h | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Minimum number of hours a unit must be run after being started for gas plants |
Model Capital Cost Recovery | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,1) | False | Indicates if capital cost recovery feature is modeled for expansion planning |
Must-Run Units | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Number of must-run units for gas plants |
Outage Max Production | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 0 | False | Plant Max Production during the outage | |
Processing Charge | $/~ | True | 0 | False | Incremental cost of processing gas | |
Processing Rate | % | False | 100 | False | Processing ratio to convert raw natural gas to pipeline quality | |
Production Volume | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 1E+30 | False | Production Volume are used in defining multi-point Gas Plant Production and Processing Charge | |
Project Start Date | - | False | 36526 | ≥0 | False | Start date of gas node project, for expansion planning. |
Ramp Down Charge | $/~ | True | 0 | False | Charge applied to ramping down | |
Ramp Down Point | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Gas production point for use with multi-band Max Ramp Down constraints |
Ramp Up Charge | $/~ | True | 0 | False | Charge applied to ramping up | |
Ramp Up Point | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Gas production point for use with multi-band Max Ramp Up constraints |
Random Number Seed | - | False | 0 | Between 0 And 2147483647 | False | Random number seed assigned to the Plant for the generation of outages |
Repair Time Distribution | - | True | -1 | In (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) | False | Distribution used to generate repair times (Auto,Constant,Uniform,Triangular,Exponential,Weibull,Lognormal,SEV,LEV) |
Repair Time Scale | - | True | 0 | False | Repair time function scale parameter (for exponential,Weibull,lognormal,SEV,LEV) | |
Repair Time Shape | - | True | 0 | False | Repair time function shape parameter (for Weibull,lognormal) | |
Retail Electric Price | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Retail price of electric power used by the gas plant | |
Retire Non-anticipativity | $/MW | False | -1 | False | Price for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode | |
Retirement Cost | $000 | False | 0 | False | Cost of retiring the Gas Plant | |
Run Down Rate | ~/min | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Ramp rate that applies while running the unit down from [Min Stable Level] to zero |
Run Up Rate | ~/min | True | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Ramp rate that applies while increasing gas production from zero to [Min Stable Level]. |
Shutdown Cost | $ | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Cost of shutting down a unit |
Shutdown Penalty | $ | False | 0 | False | Penalty applied to shutting down a unit | |
Shutdown Profile | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Detailed regime for running the unit down from [Min Stable Level] when [Run Down Rate] is non-constant. | |
Start Cost | $ | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Cost of starting a unit |
Start Cost Time | h | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Incremental cooling time over which the corresponding Start Cost applies |
Start Penalty | $ | False | 0 | False | Penalty applied to starting a unit | |
Start Profile | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | True | 1E+30 | False | Detailed regime for increasing gas production from zero to [Min Stable Level] when [Run Up Rate] is non-constant. | |
Start Profile Penalty | $/~ | False | -1 | False | Penalty for violation of [Start Profile]. | |
Technical Life | yr | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Technical lifetime of the Gas Plant |
Units | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | True | Number of Gas Plant units in service |
VO&M Charge | $/~ | False | 0 | False | Variable operation and maintenance charge | |
WACC | % | False | 10 | ≥0 | False | Weighted average cost of capital |
x | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
y | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
z | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Max Blend Percent | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Maximum percentage of the gas produced by the Gas Plant in the blend |
Min Blend Percent | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Minimum percentage of the gas produced by the Gas Plant in the blend |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Outage Max Production | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Max Production during the outage |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total build cost | |
Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built to date | |
Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built in the year | |
Capacity Built Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of capacity built | |
Capacity Factor Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of Gas Plant capacity factor | |
Capacity Retired Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of capacity retired | |
Energy Usage Coefficient | kWh/1000·~ (Metric), kWh/~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of energy usage of the Gas Plant | |
Installed Capacity Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of installed capacity | |
Production Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of gas node production | |
Ramp Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of change in gas production in the constraint | |
Units Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units built | |
Units Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units built in the year | |
Units Retired Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units retired | |
Units Retired in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units retired in the year | |
Units Started Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on the number of unit starts |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total build cost | |
Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built to date | |
Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built in the year | |
Capacity Built Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of capacity built | |
Capacity Factor Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of Gas Plant capacity factor | |
Capacity Retired Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of capacity retired | |
Energy Usage Coefficient | kWh/1000·~ (Metric), kWh/~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of energy usage of the Gas Plant | |
Installed Capacity Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of installed capacity | |
Operating Hours Coefficient | h | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of hours of operation | |
Production Coefficient | 1000·~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of gas node production | |
Units Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units built | |
Units Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units built in the year | |
Units Retired Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units retired | |
Units Retired in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of number of units retired in the year |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Energy Usage Definition Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of the Decision Variable in the Gas Plant Energy Usage definition equation |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Abatement Cost - $ | Abatement Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of emission abatement |
Annualized Build Cost - $000 | Annualized Build Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Annualized cost of units built |
Average Heat Value | Average Heat Value | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Weighted average heat value of the gas blend served as raw gas to the gas plant |
Build Cost - $000 | Build Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of building the Gas Plant |
Capacity Built - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Capacity Built - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Gas plant capacity built |
Capacity Retired - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Capacity Retired - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Gas plant capacity Retired |
Consumption - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Consumption - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The amount of pipeline quality gas consumed in processing |
Dispatch Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Dispatch Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Incremental dispatch price of processing gas |
Efficiency - % | Efficiency - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Efficiency of gas refinement process |
Emission Cost - $ | Emission Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost from production of emissions |
Energy Consumption - MWh | Energy Consumption - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The total electric consumption of the Gas Plant |
Fixed Costs - $ | Fixed Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total fixed costs including amortized build costs |
FO&M Cost - $ | FO&M Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed operation and maintenance cost |
Forced Outage - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Forced Outage - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity of Production on Forced Outage |
Forced Outage Hours - h | Forced Outage Hours - h | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours the gas plant is on forced outage of Production |
Hours Down - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours since the last shutdown of a gas plant | |
Hours Up - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours since the last start of a gas plant | |
Levelized Cost - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Levelized Cost - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Levelized cost of gas produced |
Maintenance - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Maintenance - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity of Production on maintenance |
Maintenance Hours - h | Maintenance Hours - h | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours the gas plant is on maintenance |
Max Production Available - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Max Production Available - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The max available production of a gas plant |
Max Starts Violation | Max Starts Violation | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Violation of [Max Starts] constraints. |
Max Starts Violation Cost - $ | Max Starts Violation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of [Max Starts] constraint violations. |
Min Production Available - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Min Production Available - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The min available production of a gas plant |
Production - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The amount of saleable gas processed |
Production Cost - $ | Production Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The total cost for processing the gas |
Raw Gas - TJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Raw Gas - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | The amount of raw gas processed |
Recovered Capital Cost - $ | Recovered Capital Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capital cost recovered by extracting gas from the gas plant |
Recovery Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Recovery Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capital cost recovery price of gas plant expansion |
Retirement Cost - $000 | Retirement Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of retiring the Gas Plant |
Service Factor - % | Service Factor - % | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of plant capacity available in production |
SRMC - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | SRMC - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Short-run marginal cost of gas production |
Start & Shutdown Cost - $ | Start & Shutdown Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of unit starts and shutdowns |
Start Profile Violation - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Start Profile Violation - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Violation of [Start Profile] constraint. |
Start Profile Violation Cost - $ | Start Profile Violation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of [Start Profile] violations. |
Total Cost - $000 | Total Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Total of fixed and variable costs |
Units | Units | Production | LT Plan | False | Number of Gas Plant units in service |
Units Built | Units Built | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Number of gas plant units built |
Units Operating | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of units operating | |
Units Out | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of units out of service | |
Units Retired | Units Retired | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Number of gas plant units retired |
Units Shutdown | Units Shutdown | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of units shutdown |
Units Started | Units Started | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of units started |
Utilization - % | Utilization - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas plant utilization based on production |
Variable Cost - $ | Variable Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Variable operation and maintenance cost |
VO&M Cost - $ | VO&M Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Variable operations and maintenance cost |
x | x | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
y | y | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
z | z | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |