Name | Units | Default Value | Validation Rule | Description |
Barrier Convergence Tolerance | - | 1E-08 | Between 0 And 1 | Termination criteria for the Barrier algorithm |
Carry over MIP Time | Yes/No | 0 | In (0,-1) | If unused MIP Max Time is carried over to the next MIP solve allowing more time on harder problems |
Cold Start Optimizer 1 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6,9,10) | First priority optimizer used to solve problems from a cold-start. |
Cold Start Optimizer 2 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6) | Second priority optimizer used to solve problems from a cold-start. |
Cold Start Optimizer 3 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6) | Third priority optimizer used to solve problems from a cold-start. |
Concurrent Mode | - | 0 | In (0,1) | Mode for the concurrent optimizer |
Crossover | Yes/No | -1 | In (0,-1) | If crossover is used to transform the interior solution produced by barrier into a basic solution |
Feasibility Repair Failure | - | 0 | In (0,1) | Action to take if an infeasible problem cannot be repaired. |
Feasibility Tolerance | - | 0 | ≥0 | Allowable violation of variable bounds (0 = solver default value) |
Hint Mode | - | 0 | In (0,1,2) | Controls how variable hints are used by the solver |
Hot Start Optimizer 1 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6,9,10) | First priority optimizer used to solve problems from a hot-start. |
Hot Start Optimizer 2 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6) | Second priority optimizer used to solve problems from a hot-start. |
Hot Start Optimizer 3 | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6) | Third priority optimizer used to solve problems from a hot-start. |
Maximum Monitored MIP Iterations | - | -1 | Maximum number of monitored row/column iterations with MIP enabled | |
Maximum Parallel Tasks | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum number of parallel optimizations run concurrently, where -1 means one task per CPU. |
Maximum Threads | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum number of threads used simultaneously by all simplex and interior point optimizers, where -1 means all available threads. |
MIP Absolute Gap | - | 0 | ≥0 | Absolute tolerance on the gap between the best integer objective and the objective of the best node remaining |
MIP Focus | - | 0 | In (0,1,2,3) | High-level solution strategy for the MIP solver |
MIP Hard Stop | s | -1 | ≥-1 | Hard limit on the mixed integer programming time when using MIP Max Relative Gap and MIP Max Time is a soft limit |
MIP Improve Start Gap | - | 0 | ≥0 | Switch strategy to improving the best integer solution when this gap is reached. |
MIP Interrupt | Yes/No | 0 | In (0,-1) | If the MIP search can be interrupted by pressing the CTRL-P key combination |
MIP Max Absolute Gap | - | 0 | ≥0 | When set to a value greater than zero, the MIP Max Time is treated as a soft constraint with optimization continuing until the MIP Max Absolute Gap is reached. |
MIP Max Relative Gap | - | 0 | ≥0 | When set to a value greater than zero, the MIP Max Time is treated as a soft constraint with optimization continuing until the MIP Max Relative Gap is reached. |
MIP Max Relaxation Repair Time | s | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum time allowed in repairing an infeasible mixed integer programming problem |
MIP Max Time | s | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum time in mixed integer programming algorithm |
MIP Max Time with Carry over | s | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum time in mixed integer programming algorithm including any unused time carried over |
MIP Maximum Threads | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum number of threads used by the mixed integer optimizer, where -1 means all available threads. |
MIP Node Optimizer | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6,9,10) | Optimizer used at the nodes of the branch and bound algorithm. |
MIP Relative Gap | - | 0.0001 | ≥0 | Declare the integer solution optimal when this gap is reached between the current integer solution and best-bound linear relaxation (this is not a measure of optimality). |
MIP Root Optimizer | - | 0 | In (0,1,4,5,6,9,10) | Optimizer used to solve the linear relaxation of a mixed-integer program. |
MIP Start Solution | - | 1 | Between 0 And 2 | MIP solver will be warm started with previous solutions according to this setting. |
Monitoring Maximum Threads | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Maximum number of threads for monitored constraint iterations, where -1 means all available threads. |
Monitoring Periodic Clearing | - | 0 | ≥0 | Clear monitored constraints and variables from the formulation periodically (number of steps) |
Objective Scalar | - | 1 | >0 | Scale the objective function internally by this factor |
Objective Tolerance | - | 0 | ≥0 | Smallest allowable objective function coefficient |
Optimality Tolerance | - | 0 | ≥0 | Optimality tolerance (0 = solver default value) |
Presolve | Yes/No | -1 | In (0,-1) | Toggles on/off solver presolve |
Random Number Seed | - | 0 | Between 0 And 2000000000 | Random number seed for the solver |
Scaling | Yes/No | -1 | In (0,-1) | Toggles on/off solver problem scaling |
Small LP Nonzero Count | - | 250000 | >0 | Maximum number of non-zeros in a 'small' linear programming problem. |
Small LP Optimizer | - | 0 | Between 0 And 9 | Optimizer used to solve 'small' liner programming problems. |
SOLVER | - | 4 | In (0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8) | SOLVER engine used by PLEXOS. |