Heat Plant Class

Description:Heat production plant

See also Heat Plant Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Heat Plant is a special object that produces heat form burning the fuels, and/or recovers heat from Heat Input Nodes and/or converting electricity to heat. To the electrical network, heat plant is a load source (anti-generator). A Heat Plant connects to the electrical system via the Nodes and the heat system via Heat Output Nodes and/or Heat Input Nodes memberships.

Example: Modelling a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) that recovers waste heat from a Gas Turbine (GT) generator with heat top-up from a gas duct burner or electric boiler. Other special modelling requirements are:

  1. WHRB only operates when GT is online.
  2. Fuel consumption curve (heat rate) of the GT depends on the fuel-offtake level of the WHRB
  3. WHRB has a fuel consumption curve based on its operating points.
  4. WHRB consumes different amount of fuel during start-up based on its cooling state.
  5. WHRB has a start profile
  6. Other unit commitment requirements: Min Stable Level, Maximum ramping up and down in the heat production, Min Up time , etc
Figure 1: Heat Plant modelling

Modeling guide:

  1. Using Units Generating Coefficient to create a custom constraint such as: [UnitsGeneratingCoefficient]{WHRB} - [UnitsGeneratingCoefficient]{GT} =< 0
  2. Using condition Variables Fuel Offtake Coefficient to alter the heat rate properties of the GT.
  3. Using properties Load Point, Heat Rate, Heat Rate Incr
  4. Using properties Start Fuels Offtake at Start
  5. Using properties Run Up Rate or Start Profile
  6. Using properties Min Stable Level, Max Ramp Up, Max Ramp Down, etc

See also the Heat Modelling article for details.