Market Price

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Price point on market demand function

Market Price can be used alone to set an inelastic price i.e. price does not vary with quantity purchased or sold, or alternatively defined with multiple bands in combination with Quantity and Base Quantity to define a market supply/demand curve for a market with depth.


The actual price paid/received in the market is:

Price (output) = Price (input) × Price Scalar + Price Incr + spread

spread adjusts for any defined Bid-Ask Spread


When a Market is connected to a Gas Node and the dataset's Base Unit Setting is Metric - then when upgrading from earlier PLEXOS versions to version 10 - the manually inputted price will be divided by a 1000 since the metric gas model uses TJ for Quantity and $/GJ for Price. This scaling is not applied to the values coming from the datafile.