Production Formulate Ramp Upfront

Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If ramp constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.

Production Formulate Ramp Upfront determines how Generator ramping constraints (defined by Max Ramp Up and/or Max Ramp Down) are enforced in the mathematical programming problem. This setting can take the following values:

True (value = -1)
Constraints are added to the mathematical programming problem 'upfront', meaning that all constraints are present for every Generator that could potentially be constrained by ramp rates from the start of the simulation.
False (value = 0)
Constraint are initially left out of the mathematical programming problem and only added iteratively when violations are detected in the ramping rates of generators.

The former option does not require iterations of solutions to solve, and latter will result in iterations but a smaller problem size in general. You should test both settings and compare solution times. Use the method that results in the best solution times.