Production Heat Rate Error Method

Default Value:2
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3,4)
Description:Method for handling non-convex heat rate functions.

Production Heat Rate Error Method controls how the simulator handles non-convexities it detects in Generator marginal heat rate functions. It can take the following values:

Throw Error (value = 0)
An error with be thrown if any non-convex marginal heat rates are detected.
Warn and Report Raw Curve (value = 1)
A warning is issued each time a non-convexity is detected, and internally the curve is adjusted so it is convex for the optimization, but reported heat rates, costs and offers are based on the raw non-convex curve.
Warn and Report Raw Adjusted (value = 2)
A warning is issued each time a non-convexity is detected, and internally the curve is adjusted so it is convex for the optimization, and reported heat rates, costs and offers are based on the adjusted curve. The adjustment procedure is described in the description for Message 29.
Adjust and Continue (value = 3)
Like (2) but no warning is issued.
Allow Non-convex (value = 4)
Non-convex curves are allowed, and if detected the optimization will use mixed-integer programming to force segments of the heat rate function to be used in the correct order (this requires a license for mixed-integer optimization).

See also: