Production Increment and Decrement

Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If simultaneous closure of increment and decrement bids/offers around a base is allowed

In Balancing Markets, increment and decrement offers and bids are commonly defined relative to an Offer Base or Bid Base. It is possible to define 'degenerate' increment and decrement offers and bids. Degenerate offer/bid clearing corresponds to clearing multiple bid and/or offer bands simultaneously in a way that reduces system cost but does not actually change Net Generation. Possible degenerate offers and bids include:

Generators which can pump and generate as well as Batteries can also experience degenerate clearing through bid/offer interactions:

This setting prevents the degenerate clearing of offers and bids across all offers and/or bids defined around a base. This prevention introduces integers to the formulation and may have performance impacts.

This model-wide setting can be overriden for individual objects with Generator Simultaneous Increment and Decrement and Battery Simultaneous Increment and Decrement.