Production Rounded Relaxation Tuning

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If the Rounded Relaxation method should self-tune the [Rounding Up Threshold].

Production Rounded Relaxation Tuning toggles on/off the self-tuning feature of the Rounded Relaxation Algorithm.

When enabled, the self-tuning algorithm tests all values for the Rounding Up Threshold between the Rounded Relaxation Start Threshold and the Rounded Relaxation End Threshold in increments of the Rounded Relaxation Threshold Increment.


The following log file extract shows the Rounded Relaxation result when the tuning setting is switched off and the Rounding Up Threshold is set to 0.45:

           Started ST Schedule Step 1 of 1: Jan 1, 2010 6:00:00 AM - Jan 2, 2010 11:59:00 AM
 Unit Commitment (Rounded Relaxation) Completed. Time: 0:00:04.762
 Region                                        Demand      Generation  Net Export  Gen. Cost   Load Cost   USE (Dump)  Price     
                                                  (GWh)       (GWh)       (GWh)    ($000's)    ($000's)       (MWh)       ($/MWh)
 BETTA                                               2.40       13.09       10.59      466.79       85.82        0.00       35.76
 SEM                                                96.33       87.91      -10.59    2,262.81    6,550.96        0.00       68.01
 SEM Backcast model                                 98.73      101.00        0.00    2,729.61    6,636.77        0.00       67.22
 Completed ST Schedule Step 1 of 1. Time: 0:00:10.315

 Region Summary:
 Region                                        Demand      Generation  Net Export  Gen. Cost   Load Cost   USE (Dump)  Price     
                                                  (GWh)       (GWh)       (GWh)    ($000's)    ($000's)       (MWh)       ($/MWh)
 BETTA                                               2.40       13.09       10.59      466.79       85.82        0.00       35.76
 SEM                                                96.33       87.91      -10.59    2,262.81    6,550.96        0.00       68.01
 SEM Backcast model                                 98.73      101.00        0.00    2,729.61    6,636.77        0.00       67.22

 ST Schedule Completed. Time: 0:00:11.189
 <-- ST Schedule
 Minimization Objective Function:
     Linear Relaxation:..........................................................................               3.1478571996e+006
     Rounded Relaxation:.........................................................................               3.3441555599e+006
     Cost of Integerization:.....................................................................               1.9629836026e+005
     Relative Cost of Integerization:............................................................                        6.2359 %
    Infeasibilities:............................................................................                               0



The following is the log file extract for the same case with the tuning setting enabled:

           Started ST Schedule Step 1 of 1: Jan 1, 2010 6:00:00 AM - Jan 2, 2010 11:59:00 AM
 Best Rounding Up Threshold 0.35. Objective 3342386.02600486.Unit Commitment (Rounded Relaxation) Completed. Time: 0:01:08.593
 Region                                        Demand      Generation  Net Export  Gen. Cost   Load Cost   USE (Dump)  Price     
                                                  (GWh)       (GWh)       (GWh)    ($000's)    ($000's)       (MWh)       ($/MWh)
 BETTA                                               2.40       13.26       10.75      473.41       85.81        0.00       35.76
 SEM                                                96.33       87.88      -10.75    2,256.36    5,508.69        0.00       57.19
 SEM Backcast model                                 98.73      101.14        0.00    2,729.76    5,594.50        0.00       56.67
 Completed ST Schedule Step 1 of 1. Time: 0:01:14.114

 Region Summary:
 Region                                        Demand      Generation  Net Export  Gen. Cost   Load Cost   USE (Dump)  Price     
                                                  (GWh)       (GWh)       (GWh)    ($000's)    ($000's)       (MWh)       ($/MWh)
 BETTA                                               2.40       13.26       10.75      473.41       85.81        0.00       35.76
 SEM                                                96.33       87.88      -10.75    2,256.36    5,508.69        0.00       57.19
 SEM Backcast model                                 98.73      101.14        0.00    2,729.76    5,594.50        0.00       56.67

 ST Schedule Completed. Time: 0:01:15.082
 <-- ST Schedule
 Minimization Objective Function:
     Linear Relaxation:..........................................................................               3.1478571996e+006
     Rounded Relaxation:.........................................................................               3.3423860260e+006
     Cost of Integerization:.....................................................................               1.9452882638e+005
     Relative Cost of Integerization:............................................................                        6.1797 %
     Infeasibilities:............................................................................                               0



The tuning method searched all rounding thresholds between 0.25 and 0.75 in increments of 0.05 and found that a threshold of 0.35 returned the best objective function value.