Region Uplift Compatibility

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2,3)
Key Property:No
Description:Uplift calculation compatibility (match to market being modelled)

Region Uplift Compatibility controls the algorithm used to compute uplift.

Cost-based Pool (value = 1)
An algorithm that mimics the operation of a cost-based pool (similar to the Korean CBP).
Ireland SEM (value = 2)
An algorithm matching that used in the Irish SEM.
Custom (value = 3)
Uplift is defined by a user-defined function (see Customizing).

Note that setting Uplift Compatibility = "Irish SEM" causes a number of other changes in the simulator:

  1. Generator Start Cost is modelled as a stepwise function, rather than the default linear interpolation.
  2. Generator Start Profile is interpreted differently.
  3. Generator Offer Quantity will be adjusted so that the total quantity offered is at least equal to Rated Capacity.

See also the article Uplift Methods.