Region DSP Bid Quantity

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Bid quantity for demand-side participation

Region Demand-side participation (or dispatchable load) is load that is included in the input load for the region but that can be dispatched-off at a certain price less than VoLL.

DSP Bid Quantity and DSP Bid Price represent DSP in multiple bands, with DSP Bid Quantity representing the amount of demand, and DSP Bid Price representing the price at which the demand will be curtailed.


Region Property Value Units Band
NSW DSP Bid Quantity 58 MW 1
NSW DSP Bid Quantity 30 MW 2
NSW DSP Bid Quantity 83 MW 3
NSW DSP Bid Quantity 135 MW 4
NSW DSP Bid Price 1000 $/MWh 1
NSW DSP Bid Price 5000 $/MWh 2
NSW DSP Bid Price 8000 $/MWh 3
NSW DSP Bid Price 9000 $/MWh 4

By Default PLEXOS models the quantities in the bands as incremental curtailments, i.e. the next 30 MW of demand is curtailed at 5000 $/MWh after 58 MW of the load demand has been dispatched. The defined DSP acts like a Generator located at the Reference Node, which is suited to regional modelling. DSP can also be defined at the Node level with the properties Node DSP Bid Quantity and DSP Bid Price.

The total amount of this load that is curtailed is reported as Demand Curtailed. Demand curtailment adds to Cost of Curtailment.