Region Load Metering Point

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Key Property:No
Description:Metering point for input loads in the region

Region Load Metering Point controls how auxiliary loads (defined on the Generator objects) are handled in the simulation. This attribute can take the following values:

Generator Terminal (value = 0)
Generation is measured at the generator terminal i.e. gross output. Auxiliary loads are accounted for in the price of generation but do not affect the quantity.
Sent Out (value = 1)
Generation is measured at the station gate i.e. net of Auxiliary Use. Auxiliary loads are discounted off the gross generation before loads are balanced at the node.

It is important that this option is consistent with the definition of load i.e. if loads are gross (generator terminal) then generation should be metered at the generator terminal, and similarly if loads are net of auxiliary loads, then generation should be treated as sent-out.