Region Uplift Detect Active Min Stable Level Constraints

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If the uplift calculation should exclude units running at min stable level

Region Uplift Detect Active Min Stable Level Constraints can take these values:

False (value = 0)
Generator costs are included in the calculation of uplift regardless of whether or not the generator is running at min stable level.
True (value = -1)
When a generator is detected to be running at min stable level its Generation costs in that period are not included in the calculation of uplift.

This option is usually set to true, since generator min stable is a generator technical constraint not a system constraint i.e. if the generator makes a loss, while on min stable level, that loss is not made due to any system constraint such as stability or thermal limits of the transmission network, and hence the generator should not be compensated.