Reserve Type

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Key Property:No
Description:Reserve type

Reserve Type sets the type of reserve. The option can take these values:

Raise (value = 1)
A raise service (spin up) provided by generator spare capacity, synchronous condenser response, or interruptible loads
Lower (value = 2)
A lower service (spin down) provided by reducing generation or increasing load
Regulation (value = 7)
A regulation service provided by the generator either raising or lowering generation or load
Regulation Raise (value = 3)
A regulation raise service provided by generator spare capacity or interruptible loads not already in use by raise services
Regulation Lower (value = 4)
A regulation lower service provided by reducing generation or increasing load not already in use by lower services
Replacement (value = 5)
A replacement (non-spinning) reserve service provided by off-line generators
Operational (value = 6)
Combined raise and replacement service
Inertia (value = 8)
A requirement to maintain a minimum level of inertia on the system, where the inertia available is determined by the Inertia Constant property.

NOTE: For Regulation reserve, the raising and lower reserves provided by the generator are the same megawatt amount.