Reserve Type

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Key Property:No
Description:Reserve type

Reserve Type sets the type of reserve. The option can take these values:

Raise (value = 1)
A raise service (spin up) provided by generator spare capacity, synchronous condenser response, or interruptible loads
Lower (value = 2)
A lower service (spin down) provided by reducing generation or increasing load
Regulation (value = 7)
A regulation service provided by the generator either raising or lowering generation or load
Regulation Raise (value = 3)
A regulation raise service provided by generator spare capacity or interruptible loads not already in use by raise services
Regulation Lower (value = 4)
A regulation lower service provided by reducing generation or increasing load not already in use by lower services
Replacement (value = 5)
A replacement (non-spinning) reserve service provided by off-line generators
Operational (value = 6)
Combined raise and replacement service
Inertia (value = 8)

A requirement to maintain a minimum level of inertia on the system, where the inertia available is determined by the Inertia Constant property.

Inertial responses occur across the first handful of AC power cycles immediately following a contingency event. Beyond this, frequency can be measured digitally and other reserves commence (conventional Raise/Lower, perhaps fast frequency response (FFR)). As the timeframe of inertial response is so short, energy considerations (i.e. for Batteries providing synthetic inertia) can be safely ignored.

NOTE: For Regulation reserve, the raising and lower reserves provided by the generator are the same megawatt amount.