Reserve Generators Non-spinning Reserve Provision

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Reserve provision by off-line units

Reserve Generators Non-spinning Reserve Provision is the reserve Provision by off-line units.

When the Generator Reserve is constrained (i.e. Max Response, Max Replacement, Min Provision, Min Replacement Provision, etc. or a custom constraint is defined between the generator and reserve) the Non-spinning Reserve Provision is the Primal Solve value. This value is based on the all the offline units in the system.

Otherwise, the non-spinning reserve is downscaled. For example, if 120 MW Reserve Min Provision is defined but the Non-spinning Reserve Provision from the Primal Solve is 800 MW based on the offline units in the system, PLEXOS calculates an OverProvisionRatio equal to the Min Provisiondivided by the Non-spinning Reserve Provision from the Primal Solve. This is them multiplied the by the Rating to get the reported Non-spinning Reserve Provision value, in a process called downscaling.

See also: