Storage Non-physical Spill Penalty

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Penalty applied to non-physical spill from the storage. A value of -1 means none are allowed.

Storage Non-physical Spill Penalty toggles on/off inclusion of variables that represent 'non-physical' Spill from the Storage. These spills are analogous to Dump Energy in the transmission system i.e. they represent additional releases required to obtain a feasible storage balance. The default value of -1 means that non-physical spill is not allowed.

The amount of non-physical spill is reported as Storage Non-physical Spill. When non-physical spills occur the reported End Volume might be above Max Volume. Thus this setting should only be used to assist with diagnosing infeasibilities in hydro models.

See also: