Variable Abs Error Std Dev

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Absolute value of standard deviation of errors

Variable Abs Error Std Dev is the input absolute value of standard deviation of errors. In PLEXOS, random errors are generated using the following transformations:

σ * X


σ * (eX - e0.5)

which follow a normal and a lognormal distribution respectively, where X ~ N(0,1) is the standard normal variable and σ is the Abs Error Std Dev.

Please note that with a lognormal distribution, the standard deviation of the generated errors is σ *  e² - e¹ , where:

1 /  e² - e¹  = 0.462706457

So, for example, to get a standard deviation of 5 for the generated errors in lognormal, you will need to enter the value

5 /  e² - e¹  = 2.313532287

for σ.