Variable Condition

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:4
Validation Rule:In (-2,-1,0,1,2,4)
Key Property:No
Description:Conditional value type

Variable Condition defines the sense of the logic statement that defines the dynamic condition. The sense must take one of the following values:

< Strictly Less-than (Value = -2)
The conditional variable is active only when the left-hand side is strictly below the right-hand side.
≤ Less-than-or-equal-to (Value = -1)
The conditional variable is active only when the left-hand side is at or below the right-hand side.
= Equal-to (Value = 0)
The conditional variable is active only when the left-hand side equals the right-hand side.
≥ Greater-than-or-equal-to (Value = 1)
The conditional variable is active only when the left-hand side is at or above the right-hand side.
> Strictly Greater-than (Value = 2)
The conditional variable is active only when the left-hand side is strictly above the right-hand side.

This sets the type of comparison made between the Activity and the Profile value in determining if the logical expression is true or false.

Condition is a static property i.e. it cannot vary across time.

See also: