VarDescrip Column

This column holds the descriptor for the specific type of information displayed in the Val_1 (and up) columns for the record.  The entries should be self-descriptive, but contact Support for more definitional information.  

The Insufficient Res items report information pertaining to the ability to meet the planning reserve margin (PRM).

The InitialBal items report summary information for the initial setup.

The IterSummary items report summary information for each LT_Iteration.

The Infl/Discount Info items report the study economic base year and real discount (RD) rate, along with:

The Valuation Components show the resource specific info for each year of the study.

The MargResValStream shows information regarding the capacity marginal resources each year as well as the capacity price adjustment.


 Output Tables

 LTCapacLog Output Table

 VarDescrip Column