These reports contain zonal resource supply stacks using unit dispatch costs.
NOTE: This table will not report for Long Term studies.
When reporting resource stack information, the minimum segments for must run units, and for non-cycling units that are running and have minimum generation segments, are handled separately as zero cost units (consistent with the commitment and dispatch logic in Aurora). These minimum generation segments will be displayed on separate records in the stack output table. The unit names for these minimum segments are displayed with the prefix "MS " and will automatically display a dispatch cost of zero.
It may also be helpful to understand that the information in the stack report is aligned to be consistent with the linear pricing methodology by Aurora when zonal net load falls between two units, and does not display data for a single unit on the same record. This means that the capacity and capability levels reported for a record correspond to the cumulative stack levels at the full output for the unit reported on that record, but that the dispatch price displayed on that record will actually correspond to the dispatch price for the next unit on the stack. It represents the dispatch cost for a point on the stack, not for a particular unit. Under the standard pricing methodology (i.e., the exact supply pricing option is set to False), when net load is exactly equal to the stack capability at the full output of a unit, the zone marginal price will equal the dispatch cost of the next unit in the stack. This is especially relevant when looking at the hourly stack reports for insight into the hourly prices produced by the model.
See example below.
Refer to the Knowledge Base article Period Output Accounting Methodology for information on output data reconciliation between time periods.
Example: In the sample output below, unit Perryman #GT5 is displayed on a record with a stack capability of 11557.75 MW and a dispatch cost of $99.90. The stack capability of 11557.75 corresponds to the stack level exactly, including the full capability of Perryman #GT5. However, the dispatch price of $99.90 is actually the dispatch price of the next unit, Herbert A Wagner #2. Under the standard pricing logic, if net load for the zone were exactly equal to 11557.75, Perryman #GT5 would operate at full capability and the zone marginal price would equal $99.90. The dispatch price for Perryman #GT5 is $88.09, and if net load falls between 11404.87 and 11557.75, the price would be set between $88.09 and $99.90 using a linear function.
ResourceStack Output Table
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