Peak_Capacity Column
Units = MW

This column reports the firm capacity for each resource in the hour of peak demand (for the zone or pool in which the resource resides) in the specified year.  If the resource resides in an active operating pool (Operating Pools table is checked in study), then the peak capacity reported will reflect the value on the date/time when peak demand occurred in the pool. Otherwise, it will reflect the value on the date/time when peak demand occurred in the zone. Firm capacity is defined as the capacity of each resource, multiplied by any capacity shaping, multiplied by any peak credit specified.

For example, if unit A has:

Then Peak_Capacity for unit A for that year would be reported as 100 * 0.9 * 0.8 = 72 MW.

(Because Act_Firm_Net_Imports are reported separately, Peak_Capacity does not account for those in its definition.)

NOTE: This field will only be populated for ResourceYear and ResourceMonth output tables and only at the unit level. The sum of these values for all resources in a zone or pool should match what is reported in the corresponding zone or pool output table.

 Output Tables

 Resource Output Table

 Peak_Capacity Column