The name of the resource supplying the last MWh of generation for the zone. This will be the unit that is used to set the zone clearing price, and under the standard pricing methodology the price will be set between the dispatch cost of this unit and the next unit in the dispatch stack.
If the switch Calculate system-wide marginal resources is not checked, then this is defined as the most expensive resource in the zone which is outputting above any minimum generation constraints for the current hour. If no resources in the system are operating above their minimum generation constraint limits, then no unit will be reported for the hour.
When this switch is selected, then the marginal resource for a given zone is defined as the unit in the system which would be the first to back down its generation if the load for that zone were decreased and all other system parameters remained constant.
NOTE: The reported resource may also be influenced by the optional Zone Price Setter setting.
NOTE: Information related to the marginal resources will only be reported on the hourly level (or on the sub-hourly level if running in sub-hourly mode). The column will be blank in all other Zone output tables.
Zone Native Prices Output Table
Original_Marginal_Resource Column