Financial Contract Index

Financial Contract Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Cap Price$/MWhFalse1E+30FalseContract cap price
Floor Price$/MWhFalse0FalseContract floor price
Is PhysicalYes/NoFalse0In (0,-1)FalseIf the contract quantity must be matched by physical generation/load.
QuantityMWFalse0FalseContract quantity

Financial Contract Generators Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Generation Participation Factor-False0FalseProportion of generator load that is settled in the contract

Financial Contract Region Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Load Participation Factor-False0FalseProportion of region load that is settled in the contract

Financial Contract Generating Companies Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Share%False100Between 0 And 100FalseCompany's share of contract

Financial Contract Purchasing Companies Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Share%False100Between 0 And 100FalseCompany's share of contract

Financial Contract Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Cap Price - $/MWhCap Price - $/MWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseContract cap price
Floor Price - $/MWhFloor Price - $/MWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseContract floor price
Hours Active - hHours Active - h-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the Financial Contract is active.
Quantity - MWQuantity - GWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseContract quantity
Settlement - $Settlement - $000-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseSettlement
Settlement Price - $/MWhSettlement Price - $/MWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice the contract is settled at
Settlement Quantity - MWSettlement Quantity - GWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseQuantity of contract settled
Shortfall - MWShortfall - GWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShortfall of generation to meet contract

Financial Contract.Regions Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Settlement - $Settlement - $000-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseSettlement
Settlement Price - $/MWhSettlement Price - $/MWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice the contract is settled at
Settlement Quantity - MWSettlement Quantity - GWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseQuantity of contract settled
Shortfall - MWShortfall - GWh-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShortfall of generation to meet contract