Global Class

See also Global Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

The Global class is used to set certain properties that are global to the simulation

These are properties that would otherwise exist on the Model class but with the additional feature that they can be multi-band and/or have a Scenario applied and/or vary across time.

The Global class currently supports data for:

Note that your database may include any number of Global objects, but only one set of data will be used during execution. One exception is the user-defined Future Cost Function in hydro reservoir operation, where you can have multiple Global objects, which will define multiple Future Cost Functions. When processing the Global data the engine uses a LIFO approach i.e. the Global objects data are read in the order the objects appear in the database and if a property is defined it over-rides the data of any previous object. Note that only defined data are read so that a earlier-read Global object with data won't be overwritten by latter-read objects if they do not define the same datum.