Region Generator Settlement Model

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Key Property:No
Description:Model used to determine price paid to generators.

This Region setting determines the price paid to generators for their output. The following options are available:

Locational Marginal Pricing (Nodal Pricing) (value = 0)
Generators receive the locational marginal price (LMP) at the node(s) they are connected to. If a generator is connected to multiple nodes it receives the generation-weighted average price at those nodes according to the defined generation participation factors.
Regional (Reference Node Pricing) (value = 1)
Generators receive the regional reference price modified by the generatorsÂ’ marginal loss factor.
Regional Load Weighted Price (value = 2)
Generators receive the load-weighted price in the region(s) they belong to.
Pay-as-Bid (value = 3)
Generators receive the offer price for each megawatt of generation cleared.
Uniform Pricing (value = 4)
Generators receive the single market price (uniform price).
Most Expensive Dispatched (value = 7)
The price is set at the SRMC of the most expensive dispatched Generator regardless of whether or not that Generator is truly marginal.
None (value = 5)
Generators receive no payment for generation. This option is useful where generators sell their output into an external energy market and revenues accrue to the trading portfolio (company) rather than the individual generating units.
Custom (value = 6)
PLEXOS makes a call to OpenPLEXOS to calculate pricing. This method allows the user to implement custom pricing.

Note that the price paid by loads is set by the Load Settlement Model property.