Storage Units

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:Yes
Description:Number of units of the storage

Storage Units is the number of storage 'units' where 0 flags indicates the storage does not exist, allowing you to toggle the existence of the Storage in/out of a running Model.


In the following example the Storage exists in the Scenario "Storage" but not in the Scenario "Energy".

Storage Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File Scenario
Head End Effects Method 1 ("Free") - 1

Head Units 0 - 1

Head Units 1 - 1

Head Max Volume 0.012 GWh 1

Head Initial Volume 0.012 GWh 1

This example could be combined with the following Generator data to produce identical results in a one day simulation for both scenarios:

Generator Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File Scenario
Hydro Units 1 - 1

Hydro Max Capacity 1 MW 1

Hydro Max Energy Day 0.012 GWh 1
