Aurora's core pricing algorithms operate in an analytical framework that will help you understand the effect of changes in the key price drivers.
You can:
Perform deterministic studies by changing the key assumptions in the Input Tables.
Perform scenarios analysis using Change Sets to modify assumptions for each scenario without altering the underlying database. With the powerful scenario management, Change Sets can be run individually or combined together.
Perform Monte Carlo studies using exogenous Monte Carlo applications. The exogenous source can be used to create samples for multiple studies where Aurora is used as the electric market pricing engine. Aurora's Scripting capability can be used to change data or the Computational Dataset capability can be used to modify inputs dynamically on the fly.
Perform Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube sampling studies using the Endogenous Risk Analysis capability. To see the effects of uncertainty, Aurora has an option to specify distributions for select variables, and Aurora will generate samples from the statistical distributions, and tabulate the input variables and specify results by iteration.
Aurora Features
Powerful Analytical Framework
For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.
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