Largest Unit List Column
Column Type = Text

This optional column reduces the total requirement to a minimum. The other three requirements (MW, Demand, and Generation) are additive and combined to get the total requirement.

The Largest Unit List is not additive but ensures that the total requirement is at least as large as the unit's output, which generates the largest amount from among the user-specified list.

By default, this column references a comma-delimited list of Resource IDs.  

Alternatively, a list of Resource Groups IDs can be referenced by prefixing with rg_ (e.g., rg_WA, OR, ID), and the model will use the largest online unit from the resources in those groups. The two methods cannot be mixed.

We recommend selecting only those resources that would be the largest unit operating in any given hour as a constraint added for every resource in the list for every hour. Putting every resource in the system in the list would be overly burdensome to the model.

Input Tables

Ancillary Services Table

 Largest Unit List Column

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