Bidding Heat Rate Factor Column

Column Type = Text

This column represents a multiplier applied to the incremental heat rate of the segment when calculating a resource’s dispatch cost used in the optimization. It will not be applied to the true incremental cost or fuel usage that is reported in the output.

For example, suppose a resource has the following characteristics for a particular segment:

There are no other cost or bidding inputs. The incremental cost of the segment will be 7*3 + 2 = $23/MWh, but the dispatch cost with the bidding heat rate will be  7*1.1*3 + 2 = $25.1/MWh.

 NOTE: This column will only be used when Use Bidding Logic is selected in the simulation options. It can be used in conjunction with other bidding inputs.

 NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.



Input Tables

 Heat Rate Definitions Table

Bidding Heat Rate Factor Column

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