Proportional Load Following or PLF (Optional)

Use of this optional column for hydro shaping will produce a hydro capability that follows load in proportion to the Shape Factor, however residual demand variation will fall where it may. This method will generally produce a more stable hourly hydro pattern than the default shaping method, especially when the daily hydro energy available from a hydro set is close to the energy needed to hit the shaping target.  

Allowable inputs are TRUE or FALSE.  

The calculation used in this method is:

Hydro Generation = (1 + Shape Factor * (hourly demand – average daily demand) / (average daily demand)) * average daily generation

This method is also used in the general shaping method when there is insufficient hydro energy to meet an hourly shape target profile.

 NOTE: This column cannot contain time series references.

 Input Tables

 Hydro Vectors Table

 Proportional Load Following Column

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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