Limiting New Resource ID
Column Type = Text

The optional Limiting New Resource ID column is used to link resources together so that a new resource option is limited by the build selections of another new resource option.  Inputs are entered as a comma delimited list of new resource IDs where Aurora will limit the number of annual builds of the record by the number of annual builds for each new resource ID referenced.  

For example, suppose new resource option A references new resource option B using this column.  Aurora will add a constraint for each year of the study so that the number of A resources built in that year is less than or equal to the number of B resources built in that same year (i.e., the number of A builds is limited by the number of B builds).  In this example to force A and B to have the same number of builds, B could likewise reference A in the same manner, forcing equality by the two inequality constraints. This is a good way to model combinations of new resources that have to be built together (e.g. a solar and storage option on the same site).  

Using the same example, if new resource option A referenced B and C in the Limiting New Resource ID column (i.e. the entry was “B, C”), then for each year the number of A resources built would have to less than or equal to the number of B resources built while also being less than or equal to the number of C resources built (i.e. |A| ≤ |B| AND |A| ≤ |C|).  

Note that Traditional LT method is not allowed with this option. If selected, the Chronological method will be used instead.

 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 Limiting New Resource ID Column

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