Displacement Fixed Cost Contract Type

This contract type will calculate an energy and cost based upon a displacement resource, fuel price, and zonal price. The contract must specify a valid Displacement Resource, Pricing Fuel, and Fuel Factor.  

If the Displacement Resource is running (i.e., Output > 0 for that hour), then the contract energy and cost will be as follows:

[Energy] = [Displacement Resource Capacity]

[Cost] = [Energy] * [Energy Cost] * [Cost Shape]

If the Displacement Resource is not running, then

[Energy] = 0

[Cost] = [Displacement Resource Capacity] * { [Energy Cost]*[Cost Shape] - [Fuel Factor]*[Fuel Price] + [Displacement Penalty] * ( [Fuel Factor] * [Fuel Price] – [Zonal Price] ) }

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Contract Table

 Displacement Fixed Cost Contract Type

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