Must Take Zone Link Contract Type

This contract type is a must take for a transmission link energy amount.  When this contract type is specified, the Energy Max field should be entered in the form Zone1_Zone2, where Zone1 is the Zone ID for the first zone, etc. The model will then use the energy on that zone-to-zone link for the energy amount of the contract. If there is flow from Zone 1 to Zone 2, then this is a negative contribution to the energy in the portfolio, like a sale, and the energy will be the amount transferred (multiplied by -1). The sale price will be the market price in Zone 2. If there is flow in the reverse direction, then the energy will be the flow on the line after losses, and the total cost will be equal to the flow on the line (before losses) times the Zone 2 price plus the total wheeling charge.

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Contract Table

 Must Take Zone Link Contract Type

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