Resource Average Fuel Cost Contract Type

This contract type bases the energy on the output of the Displacement Resource and the $/MWh cost on a rolling monthly average fuel cost for all resources which reference the Pricing Fuel (directly or indirectly). It operates similarly to the Resource Market Price contract.

The average fuel cost determined for a given month is based on the total fuel cost divided by the total energy over a 12-month period from those same resources. The twelve-month period used for a given month is the previous year offset by two months. For example, the average cost calculated for January 2021 would be based on November 2019 – October 2020.  

To obtain the monthly fuel cost and energy for a previous month that is not in the simulation horizon, the Historical Monthly Cost and Historical Monthly Energy columns must be added to the Portfolio Contract table.  In this case, when running from January 2020 – February 2024, the user must enter monthly cost ($/MW) and monthly energy (MWh) from November 2018 – October 2019.

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Contract Table

 Resource Average Fuel Cost Contract Type

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