Factor Column
Column Type = Single

The Factor column allows users to specify the base unit and the conversion value applied to all input database assumptions using the Unit Conversion options.  

For Currency, Fuel Heat Content, Heat Rate Heat Content, Emission Quantities and Emission Output to specify the base enter a value of 1 for the base unit. Then enter a 'factor' value for the target unit that contains the number of base units required to equal 1 of the target units.

The Factor entered for the currency will reflect the rate of exchange from the currency to the base currency. The Factor entered for the fuel unit will reflect the value of the fuel unit as it relates to the base fuel unit. All the values for the table need to be expressed in terms of a base unit.

Currency Example:

US$     Can$     Euro$

  1       .7895     1.2419

1 Can$ = .7895 US$

1 Euro$ = 1.2419 US$

 NOTE: The value entered for the Canadian dollar is .7895, the rate of exchange for the Canadian Dollar to the US Dollar.

Fuel Heat Content Example:

mmBtu          GJ

   1            .9478169

1 GJ = .9478169 mmBtu

 NOTE: The value entered for additional fuel types is the value of the fuel unit in relation to the value of the base fuel unit. For this example we are using .9478169 GJ to the base fuel unit of 1 mmBtu.

 Input Tables

 Unit Conversion Table

 Factor Column

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