The Unit Conversion table allows users to define the currency, heat contents, and emission quantities used in Aurora for both input data assumptions and output reporting. This feature provides the ability to specify currency and units of measure for individual resources, fuels, transmission links, emissions, areas and zones. The Output Vector column in this table provides the ability to define a time series for unit conversion output reporting.
See the Tutorial called Using the Unit Conversion Table for more information. Or see the discussion on default units here.
NOTE: The Unit Conversion logic will not be applied unless you have the Units Conversion table selected for use in the study. Aurora will ignore all unit conversion columns in the Input Tables (Area, Zone, Fuel, etc.) unless this table is selected for use in the study.
NOTE: If selected for use in the study, this table must contain at least one entry (row) for each Conversion Type.
This feature provides the ability to specify currency and units of measure for individual resources, fuels, transmission links, emissions, areas and zones. The following Input Tables contain optional columns that support this unit conversion feature:
Areas Table: The Currency column allows a user to identify the currency applied to the average marginal cost reporting for each area in the database. (US$)
Emissions Tables:
The Price Units column in the Emission Price table allows users to specify the currency and unit of measure applied to emissions. (US$/Ton)
The Limit Units column in the Emission Price table allows users to specify the limit before costs are charged for the emission. Emission is defined in Emission Quantity/Fuel Heat Content.
The Units column Emission Rate table allows users to specify unit quantity and fuel heat content applied in the Emissions Types table. (lbs/mmbtu)
Fuel Table:
The Currency Units column allows users to specify the currency applied to resource fixed O&M, variable O&M, start-up costs and fuel price.
The Heat Rate Units column allows users to define the units of measure applied to Heat Rate input. (Btu/kWh)
The Fuel Units column allows users to define the units of measure applied to the Fuel input. (Btu/kWh)
Link Table: The Wheeling Units column allows users to define the units applied to wheeling input values. ($/MWh)
Resources Table, New Resources and Resource Modifier Table (RMT):
The Currency Units column allows the user to define the currency applied to individual resource financial assumptions.
The Heat Rate Units column allows the user to define the measure applied to individual resource Heat Rate assumptions.
Zone Definition Table: The Currency column allows the user to define the currency applied to price caps and average marginal cost reporting for each zone in every system consolidation.
Unit Conversion Table
For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.
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