Network Case Right-Click Menu

A right-click within the Network Case Input Files window will bring up the following menu.

  • Open Network CaseOpen Network Case

    This feature is used to access nodal loadflow (.alfc) data tables and case settings. A new Nodal Case window will appear listing the available tables, case properties, and a grid for table viewing. 

  • Change Network Case FileChange Network Case File

    This feature is used to select a loadflow case (.alfc) for the row.

  • Remove Selected CaseRemove Selected Case

    This feature is used to delete a row from the Network Case window. The Network Case Input File (.alfc) will not actually be deleted from disk, just the reference to it from the project file.

  • Create Case CopyCreate Case Copy

    Use this feature to copy selected data, i.e. the contents of an entire row, into a new row. This includes copying the properties of the selected row.

  • Add New CaseAdd New Case

    This feature is used to add multiple rows to the Network Definition Dataset window. Additional rows are used to reference various cases throughout time.

 Nodal Case Input Files

 Network Case Right-Click Menu

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