Nodal Case Input Files

The lower portion on the Nodal tab of the Input Tables Window contains the Network Case Input File information for nodal loadflow cases.

NOTE: All loadflows are subject to either FERC Critical Energy Infrastructure Information ("CEII”) regulations or restricted use provisions of an originating entity. As such, the loadflows can only be delivered to entities which have received and can demonstrate approval from FERC or the appropriate originating entity. Energy Exemplar LLC will require proof of approval prior to delivering regulated data. All such restricted data shall be maintained by Licensee in a secure place and in accordance with all relevant governing regulations.


Network Case Input Files are zipped XML files that hold selected information from a previously performed loadflow study. The dataset defines the network topology to be used in the nodal study, and holds information describing electrical buses and physical connections and electrical characteristics for transmission lines and transformers. Also specified are generators that were present in the loadflow case, bus demand levels, and area definitions. Multiple nodal cases may be included in this table and a study may use any number of datasets. The use of a case is controlled by the start date. Use the right click menu on the grid to bring up a context menu that will open the dataset or add, delete, and copy cases.  


Nodal Case Tables: Loadflow Data

Access the desired loadflow tables by right-clicking or double-clicking on a network case in the Nodal Input Tables Window (shown above).  Select Open Network Case and a new Network Case window appears.

Available Nodal LoadFlow input tables include the following:











NOTE: The use of Change Sets is currently not available in the Network Case tables. Saved changes will permanently overwrite the original data.

Nodal Case Properties

The Nodal Case Properties form is used to set various properties pertaining to a loadflow case.


Shift Factor Handling


LODF Handling




See Equivalence Radials for more information on reducing nodal problem size and speed of solution by eliminating radial lines within a loadflow case.

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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