Branch Outage Table

The Branch Outage table is used to schedule line outages for branches and transformers.  Each record will dictate a specified time period in which the branch is removed from the system.  A single branch may have multiple records in this table allowing the user to turn it off and on throughout the study.

NOTE: Only branches or transformers that are in service (or 'Closed') in the loadflow are eligible for outage scheduling. Elements that are 'open' in the loadflow will remain open for the duration of the study and are not eligible for scheduling.  DC lines and phase shifters (found in the LoadFlow_DCTerms table) are eligible elements for outage.

Aurora will disallow requested branch outages if an outage will create an islanded system within the larger OPF solution system.  The model recognizes dependencies between branches, and will allow a requested outage as long as that new outage does not cause islanding in the given hour.  For example, if a simultaneous outage on branches A and B causes islanding, then it is possible that an outage requested on branch B for 10 hours would only be allowed for the last 6 hours if branch A was also scheduled to be out for the first 4 hours.  A warning message will be written to the status screen and the NodalStudyLog output table.  To give a priority ranking to outages starting in the same hour, use the Priority column to control which outage will be enforced.

If general debugging is selected, a list of opened branches is written to the NodalStudyLog output table in any hour where the allowed outages change.  If Debug Level 3 is selected, additional diagnostics are written to the NodalStudyLog when an attempt to open a branch causes islanding, and the messaging will include the buses in the smallest islanded system as well as the set of outages in place prior to the islanding.


Circuit ID

End Date

End Hour

From Bus Name

From Bus Number

Primary Key


Start Date

Start Hour

To Bus Name

To Bus Number

To Bus2 Name

To Bus2 Number


 Nodal Input Tables

 Branch Outage Table

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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