Priority Column

Column Type = Text

The optional Priority column allows control over which outages are applied when a combination of outages, that cause islanding, are assigned to start in the same hour.  Priority is given in numerical order.

For example, if a simultaneous outage on branches A and B causes islanding, then it is possible that an outage requested on branch B for 10 hours would only be allowed for the last 6 hours if branch A was also scheduled to be out for the first 4 hours.  However, to enforce the branch B outage assign branch B Priority = 1.  This will ensure that if islanding is going to occur, branch B is still scheduled the full 10 hours and the outage on branch A is disallowed.  A warning message will be written to the status screen and the NodalStudyLog output table.  

 Nodal Input Tables

 Branch Outage Table

Priority Column

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