
The following comparison operators are available:



  • < (less than)

  • > (greater than)

  • <= (less than or equal to)

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

  • <> (not equal to)

  • = (equal to)

  • IN

  • LIKE

The "IN" operator determines whether the value of an expression is equal to any of several values in a specified list.  

The "LIKE" operator compares a string expression to a pattern in a SQL expression.  Both the * and % can be used interchangeably for wildcards in a LIKE comparison.  A wildcard is allowed at the beginning and/or end of a pattern.  Refer to the following examples:

FuelName LIKE '*HenryHub*'
FuelName LIKE '*HenryHub'
FuelName LIKE 'HenryHub*'

Wildcards are not allowed in the middle of a string.  For example, 'Henry*Hub' is not allowed.

 Computational Datasets

 Using Expressions


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