Project Schedule Window

The Project Schedule section is used to select projects and to edit the schedule.


Move Row

Hover the cursor over this symbol to move the record up or down in the list. When multiple projects are run using the Run All Project button they will execute in order (top to bottom) in the list.


Project is scheduled  or project is not scheduled  

Even if the project is enabled, it will remain unscheduled if any information is missing or if the schedule date occurs in the past.


Turns the schedule for the project on or off. Even if the project is enabled, it will remain unscheduled if any information is missing or if the schedule date occurs in the past.


localhost Host

Select the host service on which you will run the project.  Add New Host from the Hosts dropdown will allow you to add a new host.


(path) Project File

Identifies the project file (.apz) to be run by the scheduler. The files will appear in the following colors: Blue = Valid project is enabled and scheduled to run. Gray = Valid Project, but not enabled. Project will not be run. Red = Invalid project file path/name. 

(path) Starting Script

When this is set, the Scheduler will run the specified script before running the project.The Starting script will only acceptVisual Basic (.vb) Aurora Script files. To select a Starting Script, click on the Starting Script cell area to show a dropdown icon that will open a window to select a (.vb) script file from your machine. Inthe example above, Script1.vb will run before the PJM_Miso_20121109 project will run.

(path) Ending Script

When this is set, the Scheduler will run the specified script after running the project. The Ending Script will only accept Visual Basic (.vb) Aurora Script files. To select an Ending Script, click on the Ending Script cell area to show a dropdown icon that will open a window to select a (.vb) script file from your machine. In the example above, Script2.vb will run after the ERCOT_Default_20121109 project has run.

Edit Schedule

This allows you to edit the schedule for when you want your project to start. It lets you select a recurrent run of the project, the time it will run, and how often it will start (i.e., Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Once).

Each start selection will change the orientation of this dialog to select number of days for Daily, Days of the week for Weekly, Days of the Month for Monthly, etc. Once will select the current date and time.

Selecting Once will select the current date and time to run the projects.


Show the history of projects and scripts that have run in the Project Scheduler. This will also show the Status messages of any project that has been run.


Project immediately runs the project on that record. If another study is currently running, the project will not run until that one finishes.

Delete Project

Deletes the project record from the schedule form.


 Productivity Tools


 Project Schedule Window

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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