Calculate System-wide Marginal Resources

This checkbox is a switch that controls how the Marginal Resource for each zone will be determined. When this switch is checked, the marginal resource for a given zone will be the unit in the system that would be the first to respond to an increase in the zone load when all other system parameters remain constant.

When using this switch in an interconnected system with multiple zones, the number of distinct marginal resources will likely be less than the number of zones.  This method uses a special call to the LP solver and can noticeably increase runtimes for large systems running with Commitment Optimization.

When the switch is not selected, the marginal resource will be the most expensive unit in the zone that is outputting above its minimum capacity for the current hour and which is not constrained by a ramp down constraint.

 Simulation Options

 Dispatch and Demand

 Calculate System-wide Marginal Resources

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